Saturday, May 15, 2010

Inserting Special Character with Codes

For my first installment of Excel weekly tips, I will start with a trick that helps deal with foreign currencies.

In all Office Programs, you can use special codes to insert special characters by:

Holding down 'Alt' then entering a 1-4 digit code using the number pad then releasing 'Alt'

Key character codes for finance folk:

0163 = £

0128 = €

0165 = ¥

Other nifty codes:

1   = ☺

2   = ☻

3   = ♥

4   = ♦

5   = ♣

6   = ♠

11 = ♂

12 = ♀

26 = →

27 = ←

Here is a site with a list of the four digit codes:
Character Code List

Post your questions/comments/suggestions and inspire a future blog.


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