Monday, June 28, 2010

Importing Web Data: Let some else do the typing

How you get your data into your spreadsheet is just as important as what you do with it.

It is sometimes quickest to just type all the information you need directly into a spreadsheet. However if you know you are going to be updating this spreadsheet regularly, the best thing to do is figure out if there is somewhere where the data is already being recorded for you.

There are multiple sources that you can pull data from: Access, SQL servers, text files or even the internet.
I am going to walk you through importing data from a web page.

There are a while lot of NBA teams out there that are debating their long term financial situation and have to analyze their current contracts. I'm sure they probably have better data sources than most of us, but all us fans only have
I'm going to show you how to set-up a spreadsheet that can be refreshed with new data with a click of a button.

First open up a spreadsheet and bring up the window you see above in the Data section of the ribbon and click on From Web. Then type in the address of the data table you would like to import, click go and select the table as shown below:

It is important to note that the data you select needs to be in a table already. As discussed before a table is collection of columns where each row represents a unique record. For example in the table we are importing each column represents a years salary amount and each row is the various player names.

After you have selected the tables click on import and select which cell you would like the table headers to appear (or if there is none, the first records). Then select ok. Excel will then do the rest. You will end up with something like this:

If you update this spreadsheet after July 1st, you will find two time champion Adam Morrison and his $6.9m contract no longer show up.

A sheet that will need updating more frequently however is would probably be something that connects to and pulls quotes on a stock or an index.

The attached workbook has a couple of sheets that you can update to watch the magic happen for yourself.

As always feel free to send questions/comments/tips to me to include in future blog entries.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Formulas: Knowing Who To Ask

When you have trouble sleeping, you get a lot of tips from various people. Your fit friend will tell you to exercise more. Your nerdy friend might suggest a book before bed. Your alchy-friend might suggest a shot at night. All of these may do the trick. But you know you would never ask your smart-ass friend, who would suggest you try and close your eyes and stop talking to all your friends when you are trying to go to sleep.

Much like knowing who to ask in life, getting your problem or questions answered in Excel is all about knowing which functions to use in your formulas.

A formula is a collections of functions and operations (which may also take in data variables), that return some data. The most important part of the formula is usually the functions you decide to use. Functions are predefined operations that help you answer a specific question, like SUM(range) sums up all numbers in a defined range.

Knowing which function to use is about knowing what question you are trying to get answered. Functions are categorized by either profession or data type (which has been emphasized in Excel 2007):

I would go further and group them into 5 groups of what type of data they use/return:

Function Type Function Category
Data Gather Cube

Database and list management


Lookup and reference

Date Date and time

Logical Logical

Numerical Engineering


Math and trigonometry


Text Text and data

Each group is defined by what the function does or what it returns.

Data Gather functions pull data from tables, worksheets, outside data sources or even your file's metadata. The most used function is probably VLOOKUP, which allows you to return data from adjacent cells in a table. For more information go here

Date functions manipulate dates in various ways. As discussed in the Making a Date entry, all numbers can be formated as a dates. These serial numbers can be manipulated with these functions.

Logical functions, like the order of operations, help define the flow of your formula. For instance you may want to preform one function under certain conditions but not others. For example, an age calculator could return a maximum age using the IF(condition,True_Value,[False_Value]):

 The formula in B7 is does the following, If your actual age is greater than the Maximum Age, then it returns the Maximum Age, else it returns your actual age. Note use of custom format usage as described in this entry.

Numerical functions expand on the basic mathematical operators that you use to do basic arithmatic (+,-,*,/) and let you do these operations on ranges of data rather than entering each number one by one.

Text functions help you examine, manipulate and return parts of non-numerical strings of characters. For immediate help on these functions follow the link above. I will write a future blog entry on some of the functions I use the most.

When trying to answer a question, knowing who to is ask is very important. With the above categorizations, you should be well on your way to know which group of formulas you need to explore in order to answer a particular question using the data you have.

The attached spreadsheet includes the above categorizations as well as the IF() function example.

As always feel free to send questions/comments/tips to me to include in future blog entries.



Monday, June 14, 2010

Conditional Formats: Knowing when to attract attention to yourself

Everyday you pick out your clothes and chose a color. If your are like me, most of the time it is random and you put on the closest thing to you when you open the closet. Except, of course, on days when there is a Laker game on. On those days, there is a reason why I am wearing Purple and Gold.

If you know what you want your cells to be aware of, you can also have them put on a specific color or cell style when these conditions are met. These conditions are limited only by your imagination. You can have a format change because it is a particular day of the week, the number inside it is above (or below a threshold) or because a particular stock price continues to decline (even though you have repeatedly asked it, ever so kindly, to stop it). The trick to all these is identifying what the variable is and the formula that determines if the condition is either TRUE or FALSE. The rest of it is simply using the Conditional Format Wizard [ALT + H, L, N].

[Formulas that return TRUE or FALSE usually require some comparison operation like > (greater than), < (less than), = (equal to), <> (not equal to). Alternatively you can use an investigative IS formula such as ISTEXT (returns TRUE if cell has text), ISERROR (returns TRUE if formula has returned an error) etc... Full list available here. You can also manipulate the logic by using one of these formulas such as NOT (returns opposite of TRUE or FALSE), OR (returns true if any of the listed conditions is TRUE), AND (Returns TRUE if all conditions are true)]

Lets play with a simple example that checks to see if a date is on a weekend. To do this we will make use of the formula WEEKDAY, which returns a digit from 1-7 representing a day of the week. If Saturday is 6 & Sunday is 7 then we are checking if WEEKDAY > 5.

In Excel 2007, on your Home tab in your ribbon, you will see Conditional Format drop down, select New Rule in order to set a custom formula like we are describing above. (The other standard formats evaluate the values of the individual cell) Then select use a formula to determine which cells to format and type in the logic we described above as shown below:
Note that since I highlighted multiple columns to be formatted but only have the date listed in the first column in my formula, I added an absolute column reference so that the Weekday & Scheduled columns don't try to perform the WEEKDAY formula on the text that is displayed but rather check the column that holds the date.

Of course to customize the format click the format button and customize away.

Attached is the workbook that shows the below self-aware table of cells.

As always, feel free to leave me your questions comments and future blog ideas.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Custom Formats: Doing Math with text (and its not algebra)

What you see is what you get... usually.

A cell can contain data (text or numbers) or formulas that manipulate other cells with data. Formulas, however, always return data as well, so ultimately cells always contain data.

Some times, you will want the data to appear exactly as it was entered; however there will come times where you want the data in your cell to appear on the screen slightly differently than how it was entered, when this happens you usually want to change the format of the data.

There are many common formats that you can apply with a few key strokes:

Currency Format - CTRL + SHIFT + $
Percentage Format - CTRL + SHIFT + %
Number Format - CTRL + SHIFT + !
Scientific Format - CTRL + SHIFT + ^

However, sometimes you are dealing with a metric that isn't a currency. And you would like for the value to still be used like a number by other formulas, however show up like a text string.

[Text strings are any sequence of characters like "2 Weeks" or "8 Days" that can contain numbers or non-numerical digits. While these strings can be more informative to users than just numbers alone, you can't perform mathematical operations on these strings"]

When this happens you can alter the format of the cell to have it appear with text by going into the Format Cell wizard (CTRL + 1) and in the number tab select custom. Then type in the additional text you would like to appear in the cell surrounded by double quotation marks.

Here is an example of a spreadsheet that looks like text but is actually numbers and simple arithmatic.

First you can enter the following values and formulas into Excel
Then with your cursor sitting on the number 2 go into the custom format screen and enter the following custom format as shown. Then highlighting the next cell down enter '0* "Sheep / Farm"' and in the cell with the formula enter '0* "Sheep"'

After you have done that you will end up with the following spreadsheet that looks like you typed in words next to the numbers, but are still able to perform simple math on them.

Another slightly more practical example would be as follows:

Could be formatted to look like ->

 You can find all the examples that were shown above here.

As always, feel free to leave me your questions comments and future blog ideas.
